Wednesday, 4 July 2018

The End of Term Two!

My oh my, the time has flown by!

We are half way through the year already! To end term two with a bang, we watched our amazing gymnasts/dancers/cheerleaders Chloe and Tait perform a special piece they choreographed together at the whole school assembly. Well Done girls! it was fantastic and we can see that you put a lot of hard work and practice into your moves.

We also had the wonderful Peyton receive a Principals Award for her hard work in reading. She has been extending herself and it is really starting to show. Well Done Peyton! Keep up the hard work.

I hope you all have amazing and safe holidays, see you next term for more fun and lots of learning!


  1. I was so impressed by Chloe and Tait's moves. I shivered when I saw them do NO hand - handstands and backward flip overs! Truly impressive and it must of taken a lot of practice to get this good! Well done girls.

  2. Well done Tait and Chloe! The dance was spectacular, I like all of the cool moves. I think thoes moves are incredibly hard to do. That was great!

  3. I liked the dance tooooooooo999
