Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Goodbye Mrs Coombes

Mrs Coombes is...

Mrs Coombes is a bubbling vat of delicious and sweet caramel.
She is a smart cooking machine flipping hundreds and thousands of patties at a time.
Mrs Coombes is a kind and happy mother bear feeding her cubs.
She is a bright and delectable rainbow cake topped with sprinkles and sunshine.
Mrs Coombes is a gourmet chef winning awards with her chicken nuggets.
She is a social dolphin splashing around school and communicating with us all.

We love Mrs Coombes and we will miss her very much!

From Room 6

Monday, 9 April 2018

Icy's Back!

I received a very happy email from Tait letting me know that her cat has finally come back home. Poor Isis (Icy) has been missing for a long time.

What a beautiful kitty :)

Hi Miss Stuhlmann,
I just waned to tell you that we have found our lost cat Isis (Icy)
She is so happy to be home and is very cuddly.
We are very happy to have her home as well.
P.S here is a photo of her:

It's so lovely to hear that Icy is back!